Wednesday, December 17, 2014


It's been a while since I entered a blog. I had trouble working in the blog site and finally figured out it is the Explorer browser! 

After our Broadbeach visit with the family we headed inland to the National SASS, Single Action Shooting Society, championships, The Chisholm Trail. It had been a wonderful visit and great fun! However, as usual I did not take enough pictures.

Leslie gets a ride to deliver her
sandwiches to the range with Jim
Our campsite attacked by hillbillys

We got there early and got a great place for the camper! Carl went and met Virgil Earp, and a number of other shooters as he signed up for some of the shooting events. He also arranged to borrow some guns and buy some ammo. Leslie volunteered to help in the kitchen and got put right to work. The hired cook walked off the job the second day so the volunteers got worked hard as 3 meals a day are served to the shooters, volunteers and guests!  The kitchen crew, mainly 2, were busy making 200 sandwiches a day to take to the range while prepping for dinner.
Leslie and the other volunteers hard at work in the kitchen

The lake at the camp site
Kangaroos by the lake

The camping area is separated from the shooting ranges by a lake, but we didn’t go for a swim. However, we did see some wild kangaroos by the lake one day.

Leslie and Rooster at the camp
More of the camp

The "rabbit hiding under the table
some of the stages

 On the lake Cisco Kid and his” pardner” Rooster set up an authentic civil war field tent and campaign area. Even a stuffed rabbit added to the details.  I didn’t shoot the side matches the first few days, but watched them. The stage construction is really nice and well built. It made each stage more fun to shoot. Some of the side matches were speed shooting, a 600yd shoot, a challenge match like an IDPA with a lot of movement and reloading as you shot each target setup, and more.
Boot Hill
More stages

The challenge match course with shooting stages on both sides
The matches begin!
contestants in action

By Friday when the main match began there were over 200 shooters! There was also a great dinner on Friday, a Dance, social and recognition of the top shooters on Saturday.

I believe she is 14 years old

She is a great shot also!
Some cool gun carts

Some of the costumes and gun carts were really unique! The shooters comprised all age groups and I was really impressed with some of the younger shooters. There were teenagers running some of the stages and doing a great job at it!
Carl tries to fit in

The top shooters
The "army" guards the event

All and all it was a great competition! I only wish it lasted longer as I was getting better each day and it was so much fun! Sunday arrived and we had to head back to Brisbane to get ready to head back to the U.S.

The closing dinner
We are now getting ready for Christmas with Eric and his family then head back to the boat the first week of January.