Friday, August 28, 2015

USVI Partys On

During the hurricane season it seems the Virgin Islands release the tension on devastating hurricanes by having parties. The two most recent were a Full Moon Party at Dinghies on Water Island, and the Chili Off at Brewers Beach.
We prepare for the party
Other Party Pirates

The Full moon party at Dinghies had a pirate theme to it and Leslie and I tried to get right into the swing of things! Leslie out did herself by adding a parrot to my costume.
The Presidente reps and Dinghy's
Hostess and owner, Lisa
Blowing bubbles
Hulla Hoops were in fashion

Presidente beer was a sponsor of the party and had their beach representatives there helping to keep the party going.

Is that Johnny Depp?
There be pirates coming!

Skunky Ron provided the music
his groupie was very quiet
Leslie and Nancy kept the beer flowing

He really handled the fire
Amazing she didn't get burned!

There were even Fire dancers at the party! The couple were very good and did a couple of sets.

Even Giorgio got into the action

In the end we were shocked by Carl winning the best costume contest and getting a $50 bar credit. It just barely made it through the rest of the night.

They start setting up the Chili Off
We get ready for the run

The Chile Off was on Brewers Beach and had a run component to the beginning of it so Leslie and Carl participated.

Leslie at the finish
Some of our fellow runners

Heidi's Honneymoon Hideaway did
a Yellow Submarine theme
Some of the submarine crew

The Texas Chili Society sanctions this event and there were over 50 booths making chili. The day started clear and warm until after the run when the clouds arrived and then just as the opening ceremony began so did the rain! It rained until 2 PM before breaking, but it was still a fun event.
A patriotic pair
You had to have tickets for the chili

The Underwear Nemesis crew

The Chili was magical

What a ballet troupe!

The Shipwreck Tavern was there

What's a chili off without a magic bus

Carl's brother Alan showed up in the afternoon

Some acrobatics were performed on the beach

The band Why Not finished up the day

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Oz comes to the Virgin Islands

Oz arrives at Water Island,Alan, Leslie, Jesma, and Roger
Alan, my brother, flew to St Lucia to meet his neighbors from Australia and they island hopped down to visit with us. 
Roger and Jesma experience the beach movie

They arrived on Monday which is movie night at Water Island so we had to go see the movie James Brown on the beach. The island’s idea of a drive-in theater only here it is chairs on the beach and golf carts.  The next day we started a whirlwind tour of the Virgin Islands!
The planing session
Callwood Distillery

After a stop in Maho Bay, we headed to Sopers Hole to check in and have lunch. Our tour included Cane Garden Bay, where we toured the Callwood Distillery, and enjoyed the beach and bars.

Drinks on the beach at Cane Garden Bay
Lobsters at Myetts

Ivan's was closed
Roger takes the helm
We had to go to Jost Van Dyke White Bay to visit Ivan’s, which was closed, and the Soggy Dollar, the home of the Pain Killer. We were there with a lot of boats from Puerto Rico as it was the day before their holiday Christmas in July. We also enjoyed the best rum punch ever at Jewels on the beach. 
You get to mix your own drink!
The Soggy Dollar

Patricia and Steve just got engaged!
The boats off White Bay and it is off

Jesma takes us to the Indians
Jesma and Roger snorkel the Indians

Of course no visit to the BVI would be complete without a visit to Normand Island. On the way we stopped at the Indians for a beautiful snorkel.

Alan and Leslie snorkeling
roger enjoys the snorkel

A swim though at the Indians
Carl snorkeling?

Alan is confused about up

We are ready at the Willie T
Doing the ski drink at Willie T
At Normand we visited the Willie T and even jumped off the deck, no pictures of that! We also partied with the crew of the Mia and had a great time!  
The Mia crew
Inside one of the caves
Who is that surrounded by fish?
Before heading back to USVI we did a snorkel of the treasure caves.  We still haven’t found any gold doubloons.

Alan makes his way through the fish

Sunday and Main Street is deserted  
The Jazz group at Fat Turtle
On the way back we stopped at Cruz Bay and visited Woody’s, Castaways, Mongoose Junction, and Driftwood Dave’s. The trip ended much too quickly.  Back at St. Thomas we walked the jewelry district, listened to jazz and drank Sake Bombs. Then it was time for goodbyes as Roger and Jesma left for New York on their way back to OZ.
The cruise ship dock is empty
We visit Alan's apartment

It's Time to go! It was a great visit!