Thursday, July 25, 2013

The 2013 Dinghy Poker Run

The score board is set

We once again found ourselves in Leverick Bay for the Dinghy Poker Run. This year we were a little more prepared for what was to come, but our armament was still a bucket. We still have not up gunned to the plunger squirt water guns which are so deadly in range and volume.

we are ready!
Another family prepares to go
What a get up! Cool helmet
The party begins
 We were in early and were the first to register for the event and get our tickets for the celebratory pig roast afterwards. We had improved pirate costumes this year, but some of the get ups were really quite elaborate. As we got together for the participants meeting we were told there would be a helicopter taking pictures of the event. Sure enough just before we started the run everyone got together and a helicopter came in and took pictures of the group. The dinghy run was on! We ran to our boat and started out only to get embroiled in a big water fight.

The participants are ready!


Leslie attacks the red boat and takes return fire
Enemy in sight!
The wind was blowing 15 kts. down the sound so we would have to work our dinghy to windward of our victim so Leslie could douse them with the bucket. She was quite good at hitting her target, but we found out early throwing into the wind was counterproductive. We also discovered we need to keep away or up wind of the red dinghy as they had the piston squirt cannons and a cooler of ice water!


helicopter and boats ahead
The helicopter stayed with us taking pictures on the first leg and they can be seen on the Leverick Bay Resort Face Book page. Also with us the whole way was the Yacht Shots boat. He also took many pictures which can be seen on the Yachtshots web site.
A she pirate!
There were some great costumes!
We had a great time crashing through the waves into wind to go up the sound to the Sand Box and Saba Rock to pick up cards. At Saba Rock we watched some guys kite surfing. They were pretty good and made it look easy. Of course the winds died when we headed back down the sound after visiting the Bitter End Yacht Club and The Fat Virgin bar and grill. The Fat Virgin was prepared with baskets of hot fries ready and coolers of cold beer off to the side so people were served really fast.
Even bartenders got into it
Relax and eat at Saba Rock
The fight never ends!
At the Fat Virgin some got warm
who is taking the picture?
Not the best card
Back at Leverick Bay Resort we picked up our last card, were the first team posted, and awaited the results. Our hand was not good, a pair of aces queen high, but we did win last place, a bottle of skull vodka.
Our prize
Some kids looked dangerous
Kids had a great time


The pig is ready
The pig roast was next, which was all you could eat, and when the sun went down a pair of fire dancers, who also participated in the dinghy poker run, entertained everyone with a great show. Thus ended the 2013 Leverick Bay Dinghy Poker Run with a blaze of flames and a toast to everyone for a great day!
The winner recieved a piece of 8 necklass
The fire dances were awesome!

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